About me

I am an idea-driven software engineer that relishes in creating software that can be used to improve the lives of others while providing an incredible, intuitive user experience, and a writer that enjoys bringing ideas and small worlds to life. I create solutions to complex problems, and I take every opportunity I can to grow professionally and personally.

When I'm not expanding my skillset as an engineer, I enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends, taking my dog for long walks, exercising at my local gym, and playing some of my favorite videogames. I also often find myself trying to learn new cooking recipes to make for myself and my loved ones.

I'm proficient in both frontend and backend development, with an emphasis on the MERN stack. I can offer expertise on technologies such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, React, jQuery, Ruby, Rails, and both relational and non-relational databases.

Recent Work


An educational tool to help users visualize how pathfinding algorithms work. This application was created with a React frontend, and a Rails backend. The source code can be found here.


An online collection where you can store your own pictures of the night sky and view NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day using their API. This application was created with a React frontend, and an Express backend. The source code can be found here.


Your own journal to keep track of your dreams and help you facilitate lucid dreaming. This full CRUD application was created with an Express backend. The source code can be found here.


An online collection where you can store information of animals you encounter while you're out hiking, camping, or just out in nature. This was a collaboration project with 3 other engineers. The application was created with a React frontend and a Rails backend. The source code can be found here.

Get In Touch With Me

I'm currently available to work. Feel free to contact me for more information!